Exploring the UN Sustainable Development Goals — Goal 4: Quality Education

The fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Some of the targets focus on providing equitable, effective, and affordable education for all children, youth, and adults, achieving higher levels of literacy and numeracy, building and upgrading safe and inclusive facilities, and increasing supply of quality teachers and teacher training.

Exploring the UN Sustainable Development Goals — Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Looking at the third UN Sustainable Development Goal — Good Health and Well-Being — it is clear that health is a major contributor to building prosperous societies and creating a better world. After all, healthy communities are closely connected to ending poverty and hunger, contributing to economic growth, providing quality education, and achieving other global priorities.

Urban Sustainability Inspires Students’ Contribution to Pittsburgh Neighborhoods

Penn State student Capricia Williams said she learned something this past semester that she could not find in a book, or a classroom. She was searching for her niche, and her internship with Sankofa Village Community Garden — part of her enrollment in the City Semester Pittsburgh program — opened the door for her to find it.