Top 10 Reasons to Participate in City Semester

The City Semester Pittsburgh program is an immersive experience for Penn State students to live and learn in a dynamic city. Students in the program are placed with a community partner for an internship, joining other program cohorts for a 400-level course in urban sustainability, and building a professional network in the community. Following are our top-10 reasons we think Penn State students would benefit from participating in the City Semester Pittsburgh program.

As a City Semester student, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  1. student internshipComplete an engaging internship with a prominent business partner in the region to make a tangible impact on the community
  2. Broaden your education experience by learning from leaders and experts in urban sustainability
  3. Live in and explore downtown Pittsburgh — one of the most livable cities in the United States
  4. Advance your career goals and experience life as a professional
  5. Attend field trips to some of the greenest buildings in the worldStudents on a field trip to Phipps Conservatory
  6. Connect with a new network of professionals within the inner circles of those reshaping Pittsburgh’s future
  7. Immerse yourself in real-life projects in sustainability and resiliency
  8. Gain study abroad experience closer to home that can better align with your schedule 
  9. Interact with Penn State students in other disciplines who have goals similar to yours
  10. Get an experience unlike any other at Penn State!

To learn more about City Semester Pittsburgh and apply, visit the City Semester Pittsburgh website.

