A project to install a green roof on the county office building has developed into a partnership among Allegheny County, Highmark, the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, and The Penn State Center to promote the advantages of green roofs in the city of Pittsburgh. In April, installation of a green roof on the county office building began with the preparation of the existing surface.
“This project is a way of promoting green roofing in the Greater Pittsburgh area, and we hope to use the site to provide educational activities targeting local municipal governments, nonprofits, and other institutions,” remarked Deno De Ciantis, director of The Penn State Center. Penn State will also monitor the water runoff at this site. In response to the high level of interest this project has evoked, Dr. Robert Berghage, associate professor of horticulture and director of the Green Roof Research Center, local engineers, and landscape architects gave a third green roof presentation during a breakfast meeting in May.
They also met with personnel at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center about installing a green roof and hydroponic vegetable demonstration garden.